Our Customers

Our Customers

DocuFi is a US founded company with R&D operations in the US and India.  Having served the market for over 15 years, the ImageRamp community continues to expand.  Our customers include Health Care labs and providers, Education providers, Financial Service companies, Government agencies (Domestic and international), Aerospace, Retail, Energy and many more. 


Customer Testimonials

"We have been working with DocuFi products since 2006 with no problems whatsoever. They have given us very quick service and very good products since day 1. I now have ImageRamp solutions at the 911 business office and stoddard county ambulance office with no problems since installs in both systems. I highly recommend the ImageRamp/ DocuFi soulution to any business regardless of how big or small. "
Kevin Francis 
IT for stoddard county 911 services 31 years
IT for stoddard county Ambulance dustrict 30 years.