DocuFi Joins Safe @ Home initiative during Covid outbreak.
We are pleased to announce our participation in the #Safe@Home initiative in cooperation with HAIvia, The HITS Consortium, EVS Protects and P3iD, to provide resources and technology to help in the challenging times of COVID-19. This virus has drawn worldwide attention to the issues related to Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI's) which cause 100,000 preventable deaths per year. And that's excluding the impact of COVID-19. We've partnered with leading firms dealing with the HAI issue and we are offing ImageRamp as a free tool through Sept 31, 2020 to help business and individuals address document process automation and infection prevention tasks in these challenging times. Safe@Home Initiative for more infoSafe@Home Offers
Here's what you get
Free PDF Assembly and Composition Tool - a free document assembly, annotation and size management tool for everyday assembly of scanned documents, word files, PDF's and more. | |
Free Batch Separation Tool- Create barcode separation cover pages with this free tool, and use file naming and automation tools to streamline or document capture processes. | |
Access your local hospitals Infection Scoring and learn how your hospital compares to other US Hospitals, Infection trends, and see how HAC scores drive reimbursement penalties to your hospital. Register with HAIvia. | |
Free Personal Identity Privacy Inspection Tool - Use ImageRamp Composer to inspect your documents for privacy infractions. We'll identify credit cards, social security, gender and other common patterns to help you secure your sensitive information. | |
Learn how our PDF assembly tools and barcode stamping and reading can help with todays new education environment. Distance Learning for Educators Gets Automated. | |
Free Infection Prevention Articles - We've assembled various partners and included articles and web links that can help you better protect your home or business environment. The Center for Disease Controls, WHO, EVS Protects, HAIvia, Pet News, Ask.Vet and other sources provided us some content included in a searchable database within ImageRamp Compara. Or login to the online portal for more up to date information. | |
Cloud Services - Test drive our Cloud Services for zero deployment productivity. Simply register with our DocsInTheCloud services platform for free use. We've also included a free subscription to our desktop version with your registration. |
Or use the trial web version and try our cloud services for free. Just register with us and your free to assemble documents or inspect for privacy infractions.
Meet the Safe@Home Team.